Opus One’s longest established show, tried and tested and honed to perfection over the last twenty years. Get into your time machine and go back sixty odd years. You are a soldier who has just come home on leave and decide to spend saturday night at the dance in the local town hall with your sweetheart. But wait a moment and go back to reality as the year is really 2004 that sees the slowly revolving glitter ball in the middle of the hall throwing shafts of coloured light across the floor.

Opus One are playing all your favourite big band hits, waltzes, foxtrots, quicksteps not forgetting the jitterbug and the evening maybe interlaced with a spot prize waltz, a hokey cokey or a general excuse me ( ‘where many a guy could lose his gal’ ). The evening comes to a climax with the waving of English and U.S. flags to the rousing rendition of Vera Lynn sing along favourites. As the final note fades on “We’ll meet again”, everyone goes home happy after a memorable night of nostalgia.

This show features the full Opus One Big Band and Vocalists.